NFT and earning power

Relationship between NFT Rarity and Earning Power

NFT Dolls and NFT equipment are assigned an "earn level" and a maximum "BOX acquisition balance" based on their rarity. These two parameters collectively determine their "earning power."

  • The combined earn level of owned NFT Dolls and NFT equipment sets the player's earn level.

  • The NFT does not need to participate in battles, but only possessing the NFT DOLL or NFT equipment is effective.

  • However, there is a limit to the number of NFTs that can be combined for each DOLL and equipment.

  • NFTs that have a box balance of 0 will not affect the earn Lv value.

Earn Level Limit

  • NFT DOLLs: Up to 10 characters

  • NFT equipment: Up to 30 equipment

Value of earn Lv

The higher the earn Lv value, the higher the probability of GEEK BOX drop. As described below, the number of GEEK BOXes that can be dropped per day is limited, so it is important to drop GEEK BOXes as soon as possible.

pageRelationship between rarity and Earn Power of NFT DOLLs

BOX Earning Balance

Each time a GEEK BOX is acquired, the BOX acquisition balance is subtracted from the NFT that is used to determine the earning Lv value according to a certain logic. The amount of subtraction is 1 for each BOX earned.

NFTs that have run out of balance will no longer be able to contribute to EARN, but can be recharged by burning the NFTs that have a balance remaining. At this time, since the earning Lv is maintained, the balance can be consolidated into an NFT with a higher earning Lv.

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