Types of In-App Currency (Added on 2024/9/24)

Types of Currency and Definitions

While xGEEK is designed to be used without much thought, it is internally divided into three categories:

  • LoGiCo: Free currency earned within the app.

  • xGEEK (Paid): xGEEK acquired through monetary transactions.

  • xGEEK (Earned): xGEEK earned through Play-to-Earn activities such as GEEKBOX or land revenue.

  • xGEEK (Lite): xGEEK obtained through discounted purchases made with payments.

Usage Scope by Currency Type

The key differences between the various types of xGEEK lie in their ability to be used for Marketplace purchases and whether they can be exchanged for $GEEK.





Marketplace Purchase (Blue Frame)

Marketplace Purchase (Red Frame)

xGEEK Gacha

Logico Gacha

Other (xGEEK)

Other (Logico)

GEEK Exchange

*Blue Frame: Refers to DOLLs or equipment in their NFT state (used to avoid the direct term "NFT" within the game)

*Red Frame: Refers to equipment that cannot be turned into NFTs but can still be bought and sold within the game.

Priority for Currency Usage

Currencies are consumed in order of those with the most restricted usage first. For each use case, the available currencies are spent starting from the highest priority.

Priority Order: Logico > xGEEK (lite) > xGEEK (paid) > xGEEK (earn)

Last updated