Relationship between rarity and Earn Power of NFT DOLLs

The parameters related to the earning potential of NFT DOLLs (referred to as "earn power") are earn level (earnLv) and initial GEEKBOX balance. These two parameters are determined by 1) the rarity at

Earn Power (earnLv, initial GEEKBOX balance) =

Rarity at acquisition

This is the standard earn power determined by the rarity of the NFT DOLL at the time it was acquired, and is the parameter that has the greatest impact on earn power. The higher the rarity, the higher the value.

Background Rank Adjustment

Background ranks are set for each doll. Background ranks are divided into three levels and are applied by multiplying by the EARN power, which is determined by the rarity at the time of purchase. In addition, there are only S-class dolls (★3 or higher) and SS-class dolls (★4 or higher).

Genesis Bonus

Normally the genesis bonus is 1x and is not set; it can only be set in special sales formats such as NFT sales. The NFTs that are set are very valuable at this time because this value actually doubles the EARN power.


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